Monday, January 14, 2008


nice title i think i hve given huh!
actually i evn dunno wt its sayinn....
nothin came to my mind so jus wrote it ;)
gud try huh!!!???

m jus tooo.............worrid i guess
sumthins wrong wid me....
my life....i gt evrythin i want
but y do i feel like m missin sumthin???
yess...i missed evrythin now
laughter, hugs nd kisses nd all
i miss all....

m hoping my life wud get bek to normal soon
widout ny gap
livin like as we were livin togther before
i wish evrythins gonna be fine......


shweetikle said...

everythings gonna be fine!

.mini said...

i love the photo!

.mini said...

oh and i hope that everything will be okay, just give it time

Shafraz said...

kaaku hug nukury? kaaku kiss nukury...hehehee
wish u all the best...cheers

iecco said...

just hold on tight.. life takes it turns =)

Mohamed Sauzam ( Saizan ) said...

yeah evrething goner be fine give a lil time those hugs and kisses will be back kanige...may be ur kisser is busy with his works.hheheh cheers