Wednesday, July 02, 2008

baCk, bacK & Back

ok guys nd girls m back after a "garunu"
i dont remember my last post evn =S....
umm...i think 2 months back i posted sumthin on this blog....
actually what happen was i took a really big break for my 2nd sem exm &
after the exm there was my office....
[dint get a tym to relax after exm]
waiting for me wid tonnes of work nd my colleague took an
emergency leave!!!
i jus wanted to say "nOOoooo", but ni cud do nothin
those days no mood to update blog....fahun ney update kuraanee
hithah araafa hurevenee & finaly e fahehves ais miyothee jehifa =p
i guess then i can update as i did before....hehe
ta ta for now...


AXE said...

welcome back!!! have fun time with guys...

mode said...

oh gosh axe.
heylo s!LenT. iTs GoOd tO sEe U bAcK!

.mini said...

yeah i was wondering where you ran off to without even saying bye or anything of that sort!

and from now on, don't stop blogging :P

Cappi said...

Hey welcome back btw its a very nice back indeed lol hehehe

Cappi said...

Hey welcome back btw its a very nice back indeed lol heheheabhorrance